Christ what I’d give to hang out with Fiona Apple for one day — if only to see weird shit like this. In anticipation of her forthcoming tour alongside her The Idler Wheel… cohort Blake Mills, L.A. label and Mills’ longtime home Record Collection has posted a video of the two performing When the Pawn cut “I Know” alongside an older woman in a living room that looks choice for Red and Kitty. Don’t ask, just watch, and smile like that wonderful woman above. Fiona, you never cease to surprise us.
En anticipación de su próximo tour junto al músico californiano Blake Mills, Fiona Apple publica un video en que toca el tema ‘I Know’ junto a Mills. La pieza forma parte del álbum “When the Pawn Cut” y es interpretada en una pequeña habitación junto a una extraña mujer vieja. Disfruten la canción a continuación
Fiona Apple & Blake Mills – I Know from Record Collection on Vimeo.